Episodes 5 and 6 of Behind Your Touch, released this weekend, were captivating. With a possessive lover locked up in prison and a new friendship beginning, this series will keep fans entertained. Because Dr. Bo and Detective Moon finally agreed, fans are curious if there is a potential love story. The final episode gave fans a new twist that changed the whole story. New cases are piling up, and new challenges for Bo and Moon are on the horizon.

Behind Your Touch Episodes 5 and 6: Plot
Episode 5 of Behind Your Touch begins, with the night the influencer is murdered. She is dragged to a place and later brutally killed. The scene shifts to General McArthur shaman who is praying early at dawn when he hears some meek noises from the bushes. As he walks past to see if it’s a ghost but finds an animal buried deep down in the ground; probably taking his final breath.
He immediately leaves for Dr.Bo’s clinic where Bo treats him appropriately. She tells Woo and Shaman that the puppy should be fine. Later, the scene shifts to the police station where the conflict between the two parties turns into a bullfight. All are injured and bandaged. The officers try to investigate who started it but nothing is attained. They get another case of a stolen fish detector from Detective Moon’s landlord who has a boat for catching fish.
A helper named Ali who is the prime suspect is thought as the culprit of the theft. Detective Moon asks Dr.Bo to help him. She does accept it but with only one condition that he will help her find the puppy’s owner. He agrees.

As Bo and Woo investigate who must have done this crime, Bo just loves to spend time with him. Later Bo takes things too far with Moon as she takes him to a nail salon and a diamond ring which enhances her seeing capacity and she sees the puppy’s owner’s place. As they arrive at first the man denies that he owns the puppy and later confesses that he wanted to make money out of it as the influencers do on MeTube. He doesn’t take him back and the puppy is disheartened.
The scene shifts to Detective Moon helping Dr.Bo with the puppy; he now asks her to see the case of a stolen fish detector. One day Bo finds that Ali speaks to Woo who does know a little bit of Arabic. She asks him to teach her. She understands a little bit and makes out that Ali’s mother is sick and needs money for surgery.

Behind Your Touch Episode 6: Plot
With a new day Episode 6 Behind Your Touch begins, and Dr.Ye-Bun’s aunt sees her sleeping on the couch. She sees her and asks her about her changed behavior when she doesn’t wish her grandpa a nice day. She goes to her room. Later the scene shifts to Detective Moon who is disgusted with a new case and almost all the women from Mujin come to file a report of their missing underwear. Detective Moon later receives a call from Seoul that a case with a butterfly tattoo indicates to a man whom Moon is behind before his transfer.
As Dr.Bo is preparing for her patients, her aunt sends her off to the countryside to treat livestock from a farm. She is about to take the bus when Detective Moon offers her a ride. She accepts it as he says that he is also heading in the same direction and she agrees. As the duration is long, Ye-Bun sleeps in the car and later wakes up to see that they are in Seoul. Detective Moon tells her that the man they are following is a person who is suspected to be dealing drugs. He asks her to touch him and see if he has done something lately.
She touches it and sees that he bought some boats. He later gives him a little heads-up that he is behind him whenever he takes off. The man later calls Seung-gil who is Detective Moon’s known and asks him to kill him. Later the scene shifts back to Mujin, where Ye-Bun’s friend threatens her that if she is trying to do something with her crush, she will not hesitate to kill her.

Behind Your Touch Ep-5&6: Ending Explained
Towards the end of episode 5 Behind Your Touch, Ye-Bun and Moon finally catch the thief but the people in Mujin are very generous. Despite the fact, Ali was the thief, his master did not wanted him to go to jail. he understood that the man stole the detector cuz he wanted his mother to get well. But Detective Moon still arrested him.
Bo and Moon find out that Ali took help from some goons who have now caught Bo and Moon and will now kill them. They throw both Bo and Moon into the sea but Ali saves them in time. They arrest the goons and Ali also confesses his crime and Detective Moon arrests him. The landlord and Ali’s boss try to evade the crime but Moon doesn’t do that and takes him to the police station.
In episode 6 Behind Your Touch end, detective Moon is shattered to see his friend/brother killed. He was his companion and was happy to live to him. Being an orphan, his only family was Seung-gil but he was killed since he didn’t kill Moon.

As Detective Moon also races to catch the thief he meets Seung-gil and he stabs him. Dr.Bo reaches on time and takes him to the hospital. She sees that the man is Seung-gil but doesn’t tell.
The detective is fine and the town comes to him to see if he is fine. In the hospital, as Dr.Bo is going to see Detective Moon she sees Seung-gil and asks him why did he that and he says that he doesn’t have a choice. Ye-Bun tells Moon that the reason he joined the dealer was because the nun was ill and needed money for surgery. He had to do this but Moon tells Dr.Bo that he will still arrest them. Seung-gil enters covered in blood and dies in the arms of Moon.
It’s not entirely clear why anonymous killers kill streamers out of nowhere. Were they related, or is it fun to watch blood drain from a human body? Future episodes of Behind Your Touch will probably give us a clearer idea of this. This is where I get a little excited. stay tuned!!