What is the BEST armor in The Witcher 3?

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The Witcher season 3 has only two days left for releasing of Volume 1. Popular characters such as Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer will be returned. Meanwhile, the witcher season 3 will be the last of Henry Cavill as Geralt, and most of the fans are not ready for his decision. 

The Witcher has also been adapted into video games which were first released in 2007 and the latest released in 2022. There are many armors that are considered in video games and also in the live-action.

What is the Best Armor in The Witcher 3?

The Best Armor In The Witcher 3 Live Action and Video Game

The best armor is used in The Witcher 3 live-action series and the video game also ranked in the top as a player’s choice.

Here is the best armor of The Witcher 3 are:

1. Viper Armor Set

What is the Best Armor in The Witcher 3?

     The Viper armor set is also known as the Serpentine Armor set in video games. The set has swords that are useful, the claimers of armor that have the best resistance to poisoning with the top of decent elements, and also monster resistances.

2. Bear Armor Set

What is the Best Armor in The Witcher 3?

 The Bear Armor set consists of all armor, steel sword, silver sword, and crossbow. The optimum gear is best for use against turtles and tanks and it has no match for its ability to immerse the damage for not providing the best armor stats and also giving way to an extremely strong defense.

3. Wolf Armor Set

What is the Best Armor in The Witcher 3?

        The Wolf Armor set will boost the user’s attack strength, with the sign harshness at the same time. But that won’t be enough to able reach other armors. Meanwhile, the phantasy of this armor set is considered the best contender for the best gear.

4. Cat Armor Set

What is the Best Armor in The Witcher 3?

 Many people suggest that when Geralt used Cat Armor set which has the best benefits and must be not ignored. The only effect is that the light armor doesn’t absorb as much damage as it can in the compare to any other armor.

Source- Netflix

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Drishti Bhattacharya
Drishti Bhattacharya
Drishti Bhattacharya is passionate about the entertainment industry such as movies, Korean Dramas, Korean Pop and Anime. Though Drishti's interest in art, especially in Music and Dramas.