It won’t work without him: “I Am Legend 2” brings Will Smith back with an important change

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Will Smith will return for “I Am Legend 2”, even though his character has actually died. The actor has explained how this works.

The 2007 science fiction film “I Am Legend” is one of Will Smith’s best works and is a modern classic. When the film was released in cinemas, “I Am Legend” immediately became a hit. The film grossed over 585 million US dollars worldwide. Despite its success, no sequel to the sci-fi thriller was released. However, that is set to change. Because “I Am Legend 2” was officially announced for 2022.

Will Smith, who played the scientist Robert Neville in the first part, who has to survive in a New York overrun by monsters, will once again slip into the familiar role. Michael B. Jordan (“Black Panther“) will also be taking part. He confirmed this during a panel at the Red Seal Film Festival 2023:

“I have a conversation with Michael B. Jordan tomorrow. We are close. I’m probably giving away too much information… the script just arrived. We’re going by the mythology of the DVD version where my character survives and that’s all I can say.”

Alternative ending of “I Am Legend” becomes canon

Fans may be surprised by this fact, as Neville actually dies at the end of the movie. However, as Smith confirms, “I Am Legend 2” will not follow on from the movie version, but from the end of the DVD or Blu-ray version, in which Neville survives and makes his way to a camp of survivors. This is the same ending as in the original novel by Richard Matheson.

The screenplay for “I Am Legend 2” was written by Akiva Goldsman, who will also produce the film and wrote the script for the first part. The author had already announced at the beginning of the year that the alternative ending would be used as a guide. However, Will Smith’s update now indicates that filming can start soon. Director Francis Lawrence will be back in the director’s chair for the sequel.

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